Oso XML Merge

3.1 - Menus

This page details all the available menu options in Oso XML Merge. Menu items with shortcut keys listed can also be activated by pressing those key combinations on the keyboard.

It should be noted that some of the commands discussed here are also available on the Toolbar.

File Menu
The File Menu
Displays the Open Dialog. If you subsequently select OK a new comparison or merge operation will be started. You will be prompted to save any changes if the current session is a merge operation with unsaved changes.

Reload Files
Instructs Oso XML Merge to reload the currently loaded XML files. You will be prompted to save any unsaved merge changes before the files are reloaded.

Saves the results of the current operation. If Oso XML Merge does not have a filename for the current operation, you will be prompted to select a destination file.

You should note that you cannot save the results of an operation if there are still outstanding conflicts between the input files. All conflicts must be resolved first.

Save As...
Prompts you to select a destination file and then saves the results of the current operation to that file.

Save Report...
Prompts you to select a destination file and then generates a report containing information regarding the status of the current operation.

Quits Oso XML Merge. You will be prompted to save any unsaved changes if you are currently merging files.

Edit Menu
The Edit Menu
Reverts the previous edit action. All edit actions from when the documents were opened can be undone.

Re-applies a previously reverted edit action.

Format Specification
The sub-menu of this item lists all format specifications that can be applied to the currently open document. Selecting one of these menu items will force Oso XML Merge to reload the current XML files with the chosen format specification.

The bottom of this sub-menu includes two additional items:

Create New...
Allows you to create a new format specification for the currently loaded XML files.

Open Containing Folder...
Opens folder containing all the format specification files in Windows Explorer.

If you currently have XML files open, the currently used format specification will also be selected.

Auto Resolve...
Opens the Conflict Resolution Dialog that contains options to automatically resolve any conflicts between the currently loaded XML files.

The child options of this menu item cut (copies to the clipboard and then deletes) either the selected text or the selected XML nodes.

If the current files have been opened in comparison mode, Oso XML Merge will automatically switch to merge mode before the cut operation is performed.

Copies the selection (or the current line if there is no selection) to the clipboard. Two entries will be added to the clipboard: 1) the selected text as indicated by the inverted colours, and 2) the surrounding XML nodes as shown by the dark grey background.

The child options of this menu item paste previously copied text or XML nodes to the current caret location. Any selection will be replaced by the pasted data.

The child options of this menu item delete either text or whole XML nodes. As with other edit operations, these commands will force Oso XML Merge to switch into merge mode if it isn't already merging XML files.

Select All
Selects all the text. The selection will start at the first character on the first line, and will end at the end of the last line. The caret will be placed at the end of the selection.

Displays the Preferences Dialog. From there you can configure some aspects of Oso XML Merge, as well as edit all existing format specifications.

View Menu
The View Menu
Previous Difference
Highlights the previous difference or conflict between the XML files.

Next Difference
Navigates to and highlights the next difference between the XML files.

Previous Conflict
Highlights and displays the previous conflict between the XML files.

Next Conflict
This option will highlight the next conflict between the XML files.

Expand All
Expands all collapsible nodes with the XML files.

Collapse All
Collapses all collapsible nodes within the XML files.

Displays the Search Dialog. From there you can enter text to search for within the currently loaded XML files.

Previous Match
Searches backwards for the previous occurance of the search text entered in the Search Dialog. When the start of the files is reached, the search will continue backwards from the end.

Next Match
Searches forwards for the next occurance of the text entered in the Search Dialog. When the end of the files is reached, the search will continue from the start until the current location is reached.

Help Menu
The Help Menu
Oso Corporation Website...
Opens the main page of the Oso Corporation website in your web browser.

User Manual...
Opens the front page of the online user manual for Oso XML Merge in your web browser.

You should note that you can navigate directly to the help page for many of the dialogs within Oso XML Merge by clicking on the ? icon in the title bar of the dialog in question.

About Oso XML Merge...
Displays the About Dialog. This dialog contains copyright notices, version information, and licence details for the copy of Oso XML Merge you are running.

XML View Context Menu
The Context Menu
If you right-clicked over a selector block, the items in this sub-menu allow you to choose which of the input files will be included when saving the output file.

The child options of this menu item cut (copies to the clipboard and then deletes) either the selected text or the selected XML nodes.

If the current files have been opened in comparison mode, Oso XML Merge will automatically switch to merge mode before the cut operation is performed.

Copies the selection (or the current line if there is no selection) to the clipboard. Two entries will be added to the clipboard: 1) the selected text as indicated by the inverted colours, and 2) the surrounding XML nodes as shown by the dark grey background.

The child options of this menu item paste previously copied text or XML nodes to the current caret location. Any selection will be replaced by the pasted data.

The child options of this menu item delete either text or whole XML nodes. As with other edit operations, these commands will force Oso XML Merge to switch into merge mode if it isn't already merging XML files.

Select All
Selects all the text. The selection will start at the first character on the first line, and will end at the end of the last line. The caret will be placed at the end of the selection.

If you clicked over a collapsible node that is currently collapsed, this item will expand it.

Expand All
Expands all collapsible nodes below the node which was clicked on.

If you happened to click over a collapsible node that is currently expanded, selecting this item will collapse it.

Collapse All
Collapses all collapsible children of the node you clicked on to open the context menu.

' ' Properties...
If you clicked over the attributes or tag of an XML element, this menu item will open the Preferences Dialog with the properties for the clicked element selected.